Kenapa Perlu Vape, Jika Sebelum Ini Tidak Merokok?

Tekanan darah 144/94 mmHg (normal <140/<90).
“Eh, betul ke ni!?” 🤔

Ulang balik selepas berehat: 140/87 mmHg.
Eh…eh…tinggi lagi. Betul ke ni!?

139/88 mmHg…. Hum.. ok…🤨

Seorang anak muda 28 tahun, 3 tahun sbg konstabel, dtg utk medical check up tahunan.

BMI 21.7kg/m2….bagus…
Tiada sejarah keluarga penyakit darah tinggi….ok

“Awak merokok?”

“Tak pernah, doktor…”
“Tapi, saya ambil vape ni dah setahun doktor..”
Sambil tunjuk vape nya

😱😱😱 “Awak ambil vape dgn cecair NIKOTIN!?”

“Ya, doktor!”


“Kenapa awak ambil Vape, kalau awak tak pernah merokok!?

Awak ambil dadah NIKOTIN secara spesifik pula tu…”

Antara kesan buruk NIKOTIN adalah meningkatkan tekanan darah.

Kenapa lah cari penyakit kalau dah hensem2 dah tak da penyakit!!!!😤

Published by

Dr. Mohamad Raimi Radin. MD.GCFM.🇲🇾🌺

I work as a family medicine resident in a public health clinic. I.M.Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy is where I earned my medical degree (M.D.) in 2012. I graduated with a graduate certificate of family medicine (GCFM) in 2019 from the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM). I've been working towards my goal of becoming a specialist through the AFPM programme in order to get the Membership of Family Physicians (MAFP) and Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (icFRACGP).

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